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Image by Ben White


Leading From the East:
Innovative Strategies for Masonic Lodges

By Christophor Galloway, PM

The rough and perfect ashlar is symbolic of a person's spiritual and moral journey in life. Ancient temple builders chipped away at the rough parts of stone to fit them for use. As we walk through life, we consistently make improvements by chipping away at the vices and superfluities that prevent us from being perfect. Ultimately there is no such thing as the perfect person, but that does not mean we do not keep trying.
Educating ourselves by reading books is one action we can do to improve ourselves.
Therefore, Perfect Ashlar Publishing's mission is to help authors get their work into readers' hands who seek to learn and improve themselves. 

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The Profound Pontifications of Big John Deacon, Freemason Extraordinaire
Volume I

By James "Chris" Williams IV, PM

Brother Big John Deacon is a larger-than-life Texas Freemason and Past Master. He towers at 6 feet 7 inches tall and weighs in at 275 pounds. Brother Chris Williams met him several years ago when Brother Deacon's large black F-350 pick-up truck needed repairs. Brother Williams has authentically captured Big John's gruff but gentle cowboy charm and values, which his Masonic membership reinforces. The story of their friendship and adventures is appealing and memorable. Within the pages of each book, there is a pearl of folksy wisdom that is timeless.  The John Deacon book series will have readers laughing, crying, and, more importantly, reflecting on Freemasonry. now that same lodge has a bright future.

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Light Reflection:
Philosophical Thoughts and Observations of a Texas Freemason

By Bradley E. Kohanke, PM

Freemasonry in the United States was arguably at its peak during the decade following the first World War. The Masonic writings of the day were eloquent, easy to read, concise, and filled with thought-provoking opinions and observations. This was the model after which Bradley E. Kohanke patterned his writings. For nearly 10 years, Brother Kohanke, a Past Master, former District Deputy Grand Master, and former Grand Orator for the Grand Lodge of Texas wrote a monthly article for his Lodge’s newsletter. The essays contained within the pages of this book are based upon those articles and harken back to a time when Freemasonry inspired a passion for philosophical thought. 

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Brotherhood of God:
A Book of Masonic Prayers

By Garron C. Daniels

Brotherhood of God is a collection of prayers to be used by Freemasons, used both within the Lodge and in daily life. It is an aid for the spiritual needs of the Fraternity to remind all of the importance of God in all that we do.

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A Mason's Journey - Noah's Quest

Volume I: Trial at the Gate

By William H. Boyd, PM

A Mason’s Journey – Noah’s Quest” Volume I, Trial at the Gate,” is a fictional look at a masonic journey, and it is unusual because it starts at an unexpected point in a mason’s journey. It is an introduction to Brother Noah Lewis as he reconciles the books of his life and discovers the unseen forces at work, guiding him along his journey. Above all, it contextualizes and illustrates some of the ideas and concepts the author has believed and have described in a variety of other non-fiction vehicles and may, perhaps, be the first in a series intended to animate the tenets of freemasonry through the fictional quest of Brother Noah Lewis. We all have beliefs about our call to accountability and how we may ultimately learn the value of our labors.

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A Mason's Journey - Noah's Quest

Volume II: Eternal Awakening


By William H. Boyd, PM

In book two of the series Noah has come upon The Gate, he had been presented with poignant scenes that were steeped in meaning and were obviously intended to impact him in certain ways. But there was so much
he still did not know about this reality and what, if any, control he held. He did not know if or how he should interact with these scenes as they unfolded around him. And he did not know if the scenes were real. Or maybe they were allegories for events from his life gone by? Perhaps they are intended to represent new lessons, meant to teach him further lessons?


Devotion to St. Constantine the Great

Emperor, Convert, and Devout Follower of Christ


By Garron C. Daniels

Emperor Constantine the Great is a figure that some throughout history have deemed controversial. Yet, his significance and conversion to Christianity have impacted the faith in ways we will never fully understand. While he was a flawed sinner like any other, he still was the primary force that helped bring Christianity from an oppressed faith to being the religion of the Empire. Constantine was truly a Saintly figure who lived to serve not just as an Emperor but as a mere servant to the Almighty. Because of this, we must seriously and sincerely believe that Emperor Constantine the Great should be considered St Constantine, an emperor, convert, and a devout follower of Christ.


Guard Well Our Craft

A Collection of Masonic Writings


By William H. Boyd

Within the pages of this book are articles that capture the external and internal threats to the craft, the external being the effects from the societal and cultural changes occurring around us, and the internal being the implementation of what we call improvements based on a misdiagnosis of our perceived ailments. Guard Well Our Craft was chosen as the title of this book because our fraternity is designed in such a way that changes to any one part risk creating unintended changes or damage to the other parts. While society is impacting Freemasonry, this book makes a case for the idea that masonry, in its designed form, is the solution for many problems affecting the society around us.

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Lessons From the Craft

Seeing God in Masonic Rituals


By Dr. Douglas Reece, PM

Freemasonry has some of the best practical life lessons contained in our ritual ceremonies. The Great Architect of the Universe inspired me to start my ministry and write down within the pages of this book the lessons I have learned for the benefit of the brethren now and in the future. So, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I share with you what I have discovered throughout my search for Christ in the Masonic Ritual. May you find within this book lessons, revelations, meanings, and explanations inspiring enough to start your masonic quest for knowledge and meaning.


The Profound Pontifications of Big John Deacon,

Freemason Extraordinaire

Volume II

​By James "Chris" Williams IV, PM


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The Profound Pontifications of Big John Deacon,

Freemason Extraordinaire

Volume III

​By James "Chris" Williams IV, PM


The Profound Pontifications of Big John Deacon,

Freemason Extraordinaire

Volume IV

​By James "Chris" Williams IV, PM

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