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Help authors get their work into readers' hands who seek
to learn and improve themselves. 



The rough and perfect ashlar is symbolic of a person's spiritual and moral journey in life. Ancient temple builders chipped away at the rough parts of stone to fit them for use. As we walk through life, we consistently make improvements by chipping away at the vices and superfluities that prevent us from being perfect. Ultimately there is no such thing as the perfect person, but that does not mean we do not keep trying.
Educating ourselves by reading books is one action we can do to improve ourselves.
Therefore, Perfect Ashlar Publishing's mission is to help authors get their work into readers' hands who seek to learn and improve themselves. 


Brother Christophor J. Galloway is a Past Master of Valley-Hi Lodge #1407 in San Antonio, TX. Additionally, he is a member of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction Valley of San Antonio and Texas Lodge of Research. Brother Galloway is an Army Veteran and has earned a Ph.D. from Texas State University in 2019. He is married to his wife Kimberly and has two beautiful children. 

An author himself, Brother Galloway, understands the importance of sharing your hard work with readers. He is dedicated to helping authors navigate the complex world of publishing by providing his experience and expertise at no risk. While at the same time, building a publishing brand that is well respected and valued by readers from all over the world. Perfect Ashlar Publishing is his way of giving back and helping to educate your readers. 


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